JUNE 1, 2007


12:30 P.M.    Called meeting to order.  Present: Paula B. Keefe, Ellen Abelson,

                      Richard Gorden and Mark Mazur.


1. The Board reviewed a memorandum from the Board of Selectmen concerning the establishment of a Municipal Finance Department.


2. The Board decided to request that Chairman of the Board of Assessors, 

Paula B. Keefe be made a member of the screening committee that will work

on the establishment of the Municipal Finance Department.


3. The Board was reminded that the Personnel Board will be reviewing the Administrative Assistant position for our office at 7:30 P.M. on June 7th. Paula B. Keefe said she would try to attend the meeting.


4. The Board approved plans for the updating of our Personal Property assessments by G & K Associates and our Commercial and Industrial assessments by Vision Appraisal for FY 2008. 


5.        The Board took the following actions on Fiscal Year 2007 Clause 18 applications for the owners of the following properties:

            Parcel # 52-16  Granted

            Parcel # 40-87  Granted

            Parcel # 33-6    Denied



1:40 P.M.      Adjourned